疑神疑鬼的小猪The Pig Who Cried Werewolf(2011)

主演:Sean Bishop/Cody Cameron/Aron Warner

导演:加里·特洛斯达勒 编剧:Ken Bielenberg/Sean Bishop



疑神疑鬼的小猪主演:Sean Bishop/Cody Cameron/Aron Warner, 三只小猪住在一所大房子中,在它们中间,名叫海姆里克(肖恩·毕肖普 Sean Bishop 配音)最为疑神疑鬼,它经常怀疑镇上的邻居们在做一些不法活动,于是通过各种手段偷窥别人,不仅为他人带来了麻烦,也令自己遭遇各种各样的事故,甚至到了坐轮椅的地步。可即便如此,它依然不改疑心病的本性,这一次海姆里克盯上了新搬来的邻居——一头神色紧张、行踪可疑的狼(阿洛恩·沃纳 Aron Warner 配音),它眼见邻居的包里藏着各种亮闪闪的刀具,于是又犯起偷窥的毛病。   也许这一次它是对的,因为夜幕降临之后,那匹狼竟然变身成为一名体态丰腴的妇人,而妇人也显然发现了海姆里克的举动……
Heimlich, Dieter, and Chef, the three pigs, live together in one house. The "Big Bad" Wolf moves in next door, and Heimlich gets worried when Wolf accidentally drops some knives out of a bag. Heimlich continues to spy on Wolf and is shocked to discover that Wolf turns into a plump middle-aged woman whenever moonlight shines on him. This alternate persona of him is obsessed with catching the pigs and turning them into a meal, but whenever Wolf is out of the moonlight, he is ashamed and embarrassed of his transformation.

