我与谁不同Diverso da chi?(2009)

主演:Luca Argentero/Filippo Nigro/Claudia Gerini

导演:Umberto Riccioni Cateni 编剧:Fabio Bonifacci



我与谁不同主演:Luca Argentero/Filippo Nigro/Claudia Gerini, PIERO和REMO共同生活14年了,是一对恩爱幸福的同性伴侣。PIERO阴差阳错的参加了市长的竞选。在拉选票活动中被安排了ADELE作为助手。开始时,两个人关系很糟糕。但是在REMO的建议下,两人的关系开始改善。并且似乎有了感觉,问题于是也就一点点地出现了。身为GAY形象代言人的他和 14的人生伴侣何去何从……直人,同志,双性恋,到底与谁不同?!
What happens when an openly gay man decides to run for mayor in a super conservative town in North Eastern Italy, using his homosexuality as his secret weapon? What would happen if during the electoral campaign, our hero falls in love with his right hand man who happens to be a - woman? What will the voters say, the political opponents, his official companion? And what..in the end will his heart say?

