
又名:三生有幸遇见你 / Lucky With You

主演:黄景瑜 王丽坤 蒋龙 程澄 王策 钱洁 邵汶 陈启杰 张可盈 



侯爵的公寓被不法入侵,受到莫名的死亡威胁。侯志荣担心儿子的安全,决定给侯爵请个私人保镖。安保公司女保镖伍十一被侯志荣相中,成为了侯爵的贴身保镖。对于这个碍手碍脚的女保镖,侯爵万分拒绝,极尽刁难和捉弄,十一兵来将挡以牙还牙,俩人的关系在慢慢的接触中开始缓和。   与此同时,志荣企业越来越多次地陷入危机和纠纷,幕后的黑手到底是谁?谁能挽救志荣企业?侯爵和十一以及他们身边的人,他们之间的感情又将何去何从? 每个人生活中的情感际遇都像一部充满悬念的小说,不身临其境,你永远不会提前知道自己会遇上谁。如果遇见良缘,即是“三生有幸”。
On their seventh wedding anniversary, Wu Yi finds her husband cheating and files for divorce. All the property went to her ex-husband, and he was awarded custody of their child. Wu Yi plans to fight the custodial order, but she needs a job first. Once an excellent Taekwondoin, she's hired by a security company to train to become a professional bodyguard. Her first assignment involves the guarding of the wealthy and handsome Hou Jue \"Marquis\" on a 24/7 basis. His cruelty has earned him many enemies, yet he will help Yi get her child back.

