突击队员鸭Commando Duck(1944)

又名:唐老鸭突击队 / 突击队员唐老鸭


导演:Jack King 



震耳欲聋的军机之上,突击队员唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)整装待发,即将降落在一片凶险区域。此地群山环绕,水势凶猛,鳄鱼等猛兽出没在丛林各处,不远处的敌营更是重兵把守,杀机四伏。唐老鸭吓得大汗淋漓,全身颤抖,可是军令当前,不容后退。打开舱门,唐老鸭跳了下去。他按照手册顺利着陆,并轻松解决掉凶猛的鳄鱼,随后划着皮划艇向目的地前进。而沿途水域两岸遍布日本兵的埋伏,他们向唐老鸭发起猛烈的攻势。只身深入虎穴的突击队员唐老鸭,能否完成这次的不可能任务呢?   本片为迪士尼公司在二次世界大战期间被政府徵收后,应相关部门要求拍摄的系列宣传短片之一。
Donald Duck is ordered to wipe out a Japanese airfield. After parachuting out of an airplane, he lands in a Japanese forest. He uses an inflated canoe to cross the river, but as soon as it fills up with water, Donald is running for his life. He makes sure the canoe hits nothing that would pop it. When he gets to the edge of a cliff, he sees the airfield. The canoe has already exploded, causing water to flow. This large amount of water splashes onto the airfield, wiping the whole thing clean, but leaving disfigured airplanes.


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