极速前进 第三季(2016)

又名:极速前进3 / The Amazing Race Season 3

主演:吴振天 Allan Wu/刘翔 Xiang Liu/金大川 Dachuan Jin/刘畅 Chang Liu/张哲瀚 Zhehan Zhang/张思帆 Sifan Zhang/吴建豪 Vanness Wu/黄婷婷 Tingting Huang/孙芮 Rui Sun/金星 Xing Jin/汉斯 Hans Jin/郭晶晶 Jingjing Guo/霍启刚 Kenneth Fok/张美曦 Meixi Zhang/臧雅菲 Yafei Zang

导演:张艺 刘塞伊 朱文婕 


极速前进 第三季主演:吴振天 Allan Wu/刘翔 Xiang Liu/金大川 Dachuan Jin/刘畅 Chang Liu/张哲瀚 Zhehan Zhang/张思帆 Sifan Zhang/吴建豪 Vanness Wu/黄婷婷 Tingting Huang/孙芮 Rui Sun/金星 Xing Jin/汉斯 Hans Jin/郭晶晶 Jingjing Guo/霍启刚 Kenneth Fok/张美曦 Meixi Zhang/臧雅菲 Yafei Zang, 《极速前进》(英文原名:The Amazing Race)是引进自美国的经典真人秀节目,记录多对选手进行的环球竞赛。中国版《极速前进》则首次启用演艺大咖与跨界明星的混搭阵容。第三季由深圳卫视与搜狐视频联合制作,于2016年7月8日在深圳卫视播出,主持人为吴振天。节目共邀请到8组队伍,历经十个奥运国家,完成环球之旅。   节目分为多个赛段进行,其中的淘汰赛段中最后一名出局,直到剩下最后三对选手完成最后的对决,冠军可以获得奖励。比赛起始点设在北京,中间经过世界多个国家,各队必须按制作方给出的路线资讯指引周游世界,并在赛程中完成规定的任务。
In this season's first Roadblock, one team member must climb to the roof of the Beijing National Stadium. The chosen team member would be hooked up to a harness and hoisted into the air, just like the dancers that took part in the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremonies. They would have to make five forward flips in the air while being raised upwards, and then perform five backwards flips while being lowered. Once successful, teams would receive their next clue. In this season's first detour, teams must choose between Archimedes or Spartan Warriors. In Archimedes, teams will need to solve Archimedes' favorite puzzle - a fourteen-piece Tangram. If they cannot complete the puzzle, they must hike to the top of the amphitheater where they would be given two places where pieces needed to be placed. Once they completed the tan gram, they received their next clue. In Spartan Warriors, teams will need to participate in both Javelin and Discus throwing events. Both team members would have to throw the discus beyond a specified line and hit a hay bale with their javelin before receiving their next clue. Additional tasks At the Starting Line, teams will need to race up a section of the Great Wall where eight warriors stood with flags. Teams had to Race to grab a flag and bring it back to the start to get their next clue - the longer they waited, the further they would have to run for their flag. Once they returned a flag, they received their next clue. At the Turkish Airlines Lounge, teams signed up for departure times upon landing. At the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, teams learnt how to perform a Greek Changing of the Guard ceremony. Once they performed it correctly, they received their next clue. At the Athens Olympic Stadium, teams were presented with a board filled with Chinese Olympic athletes and various Olympic sports. From this selection, they needed to pick out the only 10 gold medal winners and match them to their sport in order to receive their next clue.

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