蜡炬成灰Once Upon a Candle(2014)


导演:Humphrey Erm 



一间古色古香的书房内,四周没有一点光亮。这时候一只手点燃了桌子上的白色蜡烛。刚才白色蜡烛还面带笑容,懒洋洋地打了个哈欠,当它发现自己的脑袋着火时,可真吓坏了。他在桌子上跑来跑去,惊慌失措。一旁的鹅毛笔和笔筒对一支点着火的蜡烛竟有如此过激的反应表示不解,他们提醒蜡烛的身份,几番言语后总算让这根没有大脑的蜡烛安静下来。   这时候主人走了进来,蜡烛回到自己的位置,打了个哈欠重新进入梦乡。次日一早,他再次醒来,竟然发现自己变成了难以置信的丑模样,他为此深受打击……
On a quiet evening in the 1800s, an author is busy writing a masterpiece. To light up his desk, a young and enthusiastic candle stands beside him, at first excited about the prospect of being useful but sadly disillusioned when he realizes just how short his life will be if he remains lit. With the help of his new friends, the inkwell and the quill, he comes to terms with the basic facts of life but will he live long enough to appreciate it?


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Once.Upon.a.Candle.2014.HDRip.XviD.5rFF
