東京のとある街に暮らす3家族(井上家、吉永家、桜井家)の子供達の小学校受験をめぐるコメディドラマ。 北海道から東京に転勤してきた井上家の長男・翼(益田圭太)は都内の私立幼稚園に入園するが、周りは名門小学校を目指す子供ばかり。 母親・若葉(山口智子)は最初驚いていたものの、やがてカリスマ教師・小沢頼子(野際陽子)が講師を務める学習塾に翼を通わせ始め、次第に受験戦争にはまっていく。 結婚生活の初心を忘れ、翼の受験に狂った若葉は夫・実(布施博)と翼のしりをたたく悪妻に。 When the Inoue family just moves into their new residence, they are shocked to see everyone there so anxious about getting their children into good schools. In order not to be the one left out, they also join in the crowd and train their child hard to score well in the primary school entrance exam. Interestingly, their next door neighbor has a kid same age as theirs and always likes to compete with them. This makes the whole exam process more exciting and stressful, of course.