逆来顺受Grin and Bear It(1954)

主演:James MacDonald 克拉伦斯·纳什 Bill T 

导演:Jack Hannah 



在一个风和日丽的日子里,唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)驱车来到景色宜人的布朗斯特国家公园。在四处游玩前,他随一众游客一同聆听管理员的告诫,譬如不能乱扔垃圾等等,尤其不能打扰熊的生活。与此同时,管理员还叮嘱那群棕熊,一定要和游客和睦相处,切忌盗窃,否则将被制成熊皮出售。   几乎所有的熊都找到了各自的服务对象,它们取悦游客,换取食物,宾主双方都感到万分满意。唯独一头浅色的棕熊始终找不到合适的对象,而最后它偏偏找上了以吝啬著称的唐老鸭。即使费尽心思百般奉承,也无法从唐老鸭手中换来一丁丁点的食物……
Donald Duck arrives at Brownstone National Park. The park's ranger, J. Audubon Woodlore, asks the bears to participate with the tourists but...no stealing! Humphrey decides to pair with Donald particularly because of the roast ham he has. When Donald doesn't reward the bear with his food, Humphrey tries a variety of means to get the ham finally getting Donald's attention by lying down on the road pretending that Donald ran over him. After Donald pays up with food, he sees through the scheme and struggles with Humphrey. After the ranger makes Donald and Humphrey clean up the resulting mess, he too notices the ham and makes off with it but is scolded for it by Donald and Humphrey.


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