狂暴La Rabbia(1963)

主演:乔治·巴萨尼 Renato Guttuso Gigi Art 

导演:乔瓦尼·瓜雷斯基 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼 



《狂暴 La Rabbia》使用了20世纪50年代的纪录片片段和相关评论,试图回答存在主义的问题:为什么我们的生活以不满、痛苦和恐惧为特征?这部电影分为两个完全独立的部分,这两个部分的导演,左翼的皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼和保守派的乔瓦尼·瓜雷希,为观众提供了对现代社会的对比分析和处方。第一部分,由帕索里尼,是一个谴责西方文化的罪行,特别是那些对殖民非洲的罪行。与此同时,它是一部关于前非洲殖民地解放和独立的编年史,把这些民族描绘成世界舞台上的新主角,把马克思主义作为他们的“救星”,并暗示他们“无辜的残暴”将成为这个时代的新宗教。相比之下,瓜雷斯基的角色则是对西方文明的捍卫,以及用传统基督教术语表达的对人类未来的希望。
\"La Rabbia\" employs documentary footage (from the 1950s) and accompanying commentary to attempt to answer the existential question, Why are our lives characterized by discontent, anguish, and fear? The film is in two completely separate parts, and the directors of these respective sections, left-wing Pier Paolo Pasolini and conservative Giovanni Guareschi, offer the viewer contrasting analyses of and prescriptions for modern society. Part I, by Pasolini, is a denunciation of the offenses of Western culture, particularly those against colonized Africa. It is at the same time a chronicle of the liberation and independence of the former African colonies, portraying these peoples as the new protagonists of the world stage, holding up Marxism as their \"salvation,\" and suggesting that their \"innocent ferocity\" will be the new religion of the era. Guareschi's part, by contrast, constitutes a defense of Western civilization and a word of hope, couched in traditional Christian terms, for man's future.


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