H.P. Lovecraft: Two Left Arms(2014)

主演:Federico Pedroni Yuri Antonosa 

导演:Adam Rehmeier Domiziano Cristopharo 



在这个美国 - 意大利联合制作卡特,一位艺术保管员,前往意大利阿布鲁佐山区。他受委托在塞伦特山山坡上的塞尼纳罗小镇的一座教堂修复壁画。当他到达偏远的小镇时,卡特发现当地人很奇怪,他们似乎正在向他隐瞒什么。随着他的工作进展,他开始发现一个神秘的东西 - 可能与附近的湖泊有关。传说湖泊是由陨石造成的,造成湖泊的影响可能与罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世所看到的宗教异象有关 - 这说明他在历史性的战役前夕皈依了基督教。米尔维安桥。卡特是否会揭开古代塞伦特山周围的秘密?
In this American-Italian co-production Carter, an art conservator, travels to the mountainous Abruzzo region of Italy. He has been commissioned to restore a fresco in a church in the small town of Secinaro on the slopes of Mount Sirente. When he arrives in the remote town, Carter finds the local people strange and they seem to be hiding something from him. As his work progresses he begins to uncover a mystery - possibly related to the nearby lake. Legend has it that the lake was created by a meteorite and that the impact that created the lake could be related to the religious vision seen by the Roman Emperor Constantine I - that persuaded him to convert to Christianity on the eve of the historic Battle of the Milvian Bridge. Will Carter uncover the secrets that surround the ancient Mount Sirente?

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