
又名:The City Is Under Siege

主演:李默然 Moran Li/赫海泉 Haiquan He/中叔皇 Shuhuang Zhong/张然/庞学勤 Xueqin Pang/陈汝斌 Rubin Chen/王秋颖 Qiuying Wang/王守全 Shouquan Wang/刘惠明 Huiming Liu

导演:林农 编剧:白刃 Ren Bai/林农 Nong Lin



兵临城下主演:李默然 Moran Li/赫海泉 Haiquan He/中叔皇 Shuhuang Zhong/张然/庞学勤 Xueqin Pang/陈汝斌 Rubin Chen/王秋颖 Qiuying Wang/王守全 Shouquan Wang/刘惠明 Huiming Liu, 解放战争时期,东北某城市。被我军释放的郑汉臣(中叔皇 饰)回城后,即受到蒋嫡系203师的怀疑,而且连上司369师师长赵崇武(赫海泉 饰)也牵扯进来。为了瓦解敌人,我军姜部长(李默然 饰)深入敌穴,动员赵率部起义。赵犹豫不决,此时203师参谋长钱孝正(张然 饰)发现共产党和赵有瓜葛,欲逮捕姜被赵设计送回。不久南京胡高参(王秋颖 饰)来视察防务,他也发现赵思想苗头不对,他一面假惺惺安怃,一面派人调查赵通共的证据。在突围中,赵率369师打头阵,却胳膊受伤,在不经意间他发现了蒋介石要处决他的密电,赵对蒋不再抱任何幻想,决心倒戈,密秘联系姜部长,决定阵前起义......
Baby Kal-El lands on earth and is found by the Kents. Kal-El is named Clark by Jonathan and Martha and tries to live a normal teenage life. This is somewhat of a challenge given his developing abilities. He becomes fast friends with Lex Luthor after saving Lex's life. Same plot used as the aired pilot except for some extension to certain scenes and Cynthia Ettinger portraying the role of Martha Kent before Annette O' Toole takes her place for the rest of the series.


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