
又名:Zatôichi senryô-kubi


导演:池广一夫 编剧:子母沢寛/浅井昭三郎/太田昭和



座头市千两首主演:勝新太郎/坪内ミキ子/長谷川待子/城健三朗/島田正吾, “座头市”三年前误杀了一个男子“吉藏”,因而来到上州的板仓村时想去吉藏之墓上一炷香。板仓村因为连续三年欠收,无法上缴年贡,好不容易全村筹出了三千两年贡要送缴“代官”时,竟然遇上不明的抢匪,三千两年贡就这样不见了……   而吉藏的妹妹“千代”因为及想对“市”报仇,便跟村民说“市”的嫌疑最大,再加上当地的黑道“国定忠治”一家目前在逃亡中,村民也怀疑是“国定”所为。为了自己和“国定”老大的清白,“座头市”决定前往赤城山找寻“国定”老大……
In the 1840s, Ichi, blind masseur and quick-draw swordsman, travels to the village of Itakura to pay his respects at the grave of Kichizo, a man he killed two years' ago. The villages in the area, after several years of famine, have struggled to raise 1,000 ryo in taxes they owe. The money is stolen while in transit to the governor. Ichi is accused as is Boss Chuji, a samurai Ichi respects. Ichi sets out to find the money and clear his own and Chuji's names. Along the way, he must face Kichizo's sister, some of Chuji's own gang, a corrupt governor, and his henchmen. Loyalties shift even as Ichi's moral compass stays true.

