月夜神枪Gunfighter's Moon(1995)

主演:兰斯·亨利克森 Lance Henriksen 凯伊·兰兹  

导演:Larry Ferguson 



《月夜神枪》也赶上了近几年的西部片复古风潮,主角都是孤独的神枪手,被镇上居民排斥,直到他以无人能出其右的枪法拯救了整个镇,才得到众人的接纳。Lance Henriksen在片中饰演法兰克,恶名昭彰又令人胆寒的神枪手,总是在逃亡之中过生活;他的眼神和脸孔透露出沧桑,内心却仍藏有炽热的感情。某次他接到旧情人琳达(Kay Lenz)捎来的电报,请求他前往她居住的小镇,法兰克毫不犹豫地就动身了。抵达后他才发现,琳达早已嫁作人妇,是当地杂货店老板的妻子;琳达找他来也不是为了重温旧情,而是要他保护丈夫。法兰克必须作出抉择,究竟是要帮助旧情人的丈夫,还是该一走了之呢?
Henrickson plays Frank Morgan, a notorious and feared gunfighter that has lived his life on the run. His face and eyes reveal a man that has been very much hardened by that life. We quickly learn, however, that there is still passion inside. Upon receiving a telegram from Linda, an old lover (played by Kay Lenz), requesting his presence, he abandons his woman, mounts his horse and rides to Linda without giving it a second thought. Upon arrival, he learns that Linda is now happily married to the owner of the local general store. The only vestige of her past that remains is a daughter, who Frank is surprised to learn is his. The daughter, of course, does not know about Frank. Linda, not wanting her to know that her father was a notorious gunfighter has given her a fictional father that died a hero's death at the First Battle of Bull Run. Frank quickly learns that Linda's reason for calling for him has nothing to do with romantic feelings. She wants him to protect her husband. It seems ...


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