奴隶苦难史Mohager, al-(1994)

又名:THE EMIGRANT / Al-mohager

主演:Youssra 哈立德·纳巴韦 Mahmoud Hemida 

导演:Youssef Chahine(尤瑟夫·夏因) 



埃及国宝级大师导演尤瑟夫·夏因(《亚历山大三部曲》)作品   第50届戛纳国际电影节获奖影片   一部彻底的非洲苦难史,永恒的杰作   拉姆是古代一个沙漠部落头领的儿子,他目睹当地生存环境的艰苦和气候的恶劣以及随之产生的部落内人们的残酷,遂决心到埃及学习先进的农业耕作知识以拯救部落。他不远千里,历经磨难,忍辱负重,在埃及从最低劣的奴隶做起,不为磨难所屈,不为色利所诱,潜心钻研,终学得真知而返回家乡,拯救了自己的部落。
The biblical tale of Joseph is told from an Egyptian perspective in this interesting character study. In this film, Joseph is called Ram. Ram, tired of his family's backward superstitious life, and tired of being picked on by his brothers, wants to go to Egypt to study agriculture. His brothers travel with him across Sinai, but then suddenly sell him to Ozir, an Egyptian who works for a Theban military leader, Amihar. Amihar is impressed by Ram's drive and personal charm and so grants Ram some desolate land outside the capital. Ram soon finds himself a pawn in the political and sexual games between Amihar and his wife Simihit, a high priestess of the Cult of Amun.


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