修女传The Nun's Story(1959)


主演:Audrey Hepburn/Peter Finch/Edith Evans

导演:弗雷德·金尼曼 编剧:Robert Anderson



修女传主演:Audrey Hepburn/Peter Finch/Edith Evans, 《修女传》由四度夺得奥斯卡金像奖的导演弗雷德·金尼曼执导,是奥黛莉·赫本的代表作之一,曾荣膺奥斯卡最佳影片等八项提名。   女主角嘉比雅(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)投身修道院,学习教会的戒律变成璐克修女。其后被送到医学院学习当护士,毕业后派到非洲的比属刚果服务。在那儿她认识了无神论的医生福图纳提,引起了她对宗教信仰的质疑。不久璐克生病,病后被送回比利时,当时正值二次世界大战爆发,医院旁炮声隆隆,修女们却不顾个人安危继续工作。比利时沦陷后,璐克参加了敌后工作,爱心使她无法保持修道者的沉默和自制。当她听到父亲被杀害的消息时,撤去了她修女的誓愿,请求还俗退出了修道院。
In 1930, in Belgium, Gabrielle van der Mal is the stubborn daughter of the prominent surgeon Dr. Pascin Van Der Mal that decides to leave her the upper-class family to enter to a convent, expecting to work as nun in Congo with tropical diseases. She says good-bye to her sisters Louise and Marie; to her brother Pierre; and to her beloved father, and subjects herself to the stringent rules of the retrograde institution, including interior silent and excessive humbleness and humiliation. After a long period working in a mental institution, Gaby is finally assigned to go to Congo, where she works with the Atheist and cynical, but brilliant, Dr. Fortunati. Sister Luke proves to be very efficient nurse and assistant, and Dr. Fortunati miraculous heals her tuberculosis. Years later, she is ordered to return to Belgium and when her motherland is invaded by the Germans, she learns that her beloved father was murdered by the enemy while he was helping wounded members of the resistance. Sister Luke finally decides to leave the religious life since she is not able to feel neutral against the invaders of her country.

