雷霆力量Total Force(1997)

主演:蒂姆斯·伯特姆斯 欧勒格·塔克塔罗夫 弗兰克·史泰龙 汤姆· 

导演:Steven Kaman 



为了彻底改变战争,埃德蒙·威灵顿博士,一个耗资10亿美元的武器制造商的疯狂科学家,发明了一种基于太空的激光意念控制装置,名为“神经机”,它是一种能将任何人变成疯狂的、像僵尸一样的杀手的装置。由于显而易见的原因,他的发明被五角大楼拒绝后,腐败的威灵顿博士利用他的“神经扩张器”的力量将世界作为人质,只有绝密的特种部队代号“总警队”(Total Force)才有可能阻止他。
In an attempt to revolutionize warfare, Dr. Edmund Wellington, the mad scientist head of a billion-dollar weapons manufacturer, creates a space-based laser mind-control device called "The Neurolator", a device with the power to turn anyone into an insane, zombie-like killer who explodes after their usefulness is through. After his invention is rejected by the Pentagon for obvious reasons, the corrupt Dr. Wellington uses the power of his "Neurolator" to hold the world hostage, and only the top-secret special forces group code named "Total Force" has any chance of stopping him.


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