柏林犯罪现场-都会野兽Tiere der Großstadt(2018)

主演:梅雷特·贝克尔 马克·瓦斯科 瓦莱里·切斯普拉诺娃 Kai  



兩個案子一前一後發生,兩位警探先去了市中心的犯罪現場,隨後又來到市郊。在選帝侯大街上,機器人咖啡亭老闆曼克被發現死在咖啡吧台裡。機器人咖啡亭由機器咖啡師來煮咖啡並賣咖啡,但今天卻處於斷電中。   一名年輕的女部落客來到綠林區,打算記錄初春的綠芽,這時大地仍然是冬天的場景。她沒料到竟在森林裡找到一名慢跑者的屍體。法醫納絲琳瑞扎在死者的傷口找到野豬毛。   妮娜負責慢跑者卡羅琳娜格羅寧命案,卡洛則專心調查曼克的案子。曼克似乎是在維修機器師時死亡的。是意外嗎?卡特琳曼克對丈夫的死彷彿無動於衷,她更關心自己的貓。卡洛找到一名目擊者。老人艾伯特從自家窗戶可清楚看到命案現場,但他描述的是正確的事發經過嗎?最終,兩件命案的受害者伴侶都成了關鍵人物,卡羅琳娜和先生雷諾格羅寧也處於緊張狀態,一個巨大的損失,正在耗損兩人的婚姻。
The new Berlin \"crime scene\" with Rubin and Karow deals with two cases in parallel - everyday police work not only in the capital: the investigators are called to crime scenes in the city and on the outskirts in quick succession. In the middle of the Kurfürstendamm, Tom Menke, operator of the \"Robista\" coffee shop, lies dead in his kiosk. The robot, which is serving and selling coffee instead of a human, stands still. A young woman is out and about in Grunewald who wants to blog about the first green in the still wintry nature. To her horror, she discovers a lifeless jogger. Forensic doctor Nasrin Reza finds wild boar hair in the victim's large wound. Nina Rubin takes over the investigation into the case of the dead Carolina Gröning, while Karow is concentrating on the Tom Menke case. He must have died servicing his barista robot. Was that an accident? Kathrin Menke seems strangely untouched by the death of her husband, she is more interested in her cats. An old man also attracts Karow's attention: Albert can see exactly the crime scene from his window. But are the stories he tells true? Finally, in both cases, the victims' marriages come into focus. Because even with Reno Gröning and his wife Carolina there was tension, a great loss overshadowed the relationship.


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