周末夜之猫Saturday Evening Puss(1950)


导演:Joseph Barbera William Hanna 



某个周末的夜晚,胖胖的女主人心情愉悦,她换上最华丽的晚装,佩戴光彩夺目的首饰,哼着轻松的小曲准备参加桥牌俱乐部的聚会。汤姆心情激动地盯着女主人的一举一动,主人刚刚离开,他就箭一般地从窝中窜起,跑到窗口前,将正在垃圾堆里厮混的黑猫布奇、红猫闪电和小猫托普西(Topsy)召到家中,举行狂热的周末音乐派对。闪电作为DJ播放着摇摆激烈的爵士乐,布奇坐在钢琴前流利地演奏着跳跃的音符,托普西将酒杯一字排开,奉上了精彩的打击乐表演。汤姆作为东道主准备了丰盛的晚餐,其间还不忘配合伙伴们进行演奏。   他们如此狂欢,可愁坏了准备睡觉的杰瑞。杰瑞出门理论,反而被4只猫好一阵戏耍……
Mammy's stepping out for the evening (to play cards, as it turns out). While she's way, the cats will play: in this case, Tom and three of his alley cat friends. Their music keeps Jerry awake, so he takes action. His first strike silences them only long enough for him to return to his hole. They lure him out by restarting the music, and the chase is on: four against one. Jerry holds out for a while, but is soon tied with the cord from the venetian blinds, and the cats resume. Jerry manages to crawl to the phone and call Mammy, who comes running and throws all four cats out. But Jerry's peace is short-lived: Mammy decides to salvage what's left of the evening by listening to some music.


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