2015年的洛城,加州政府机构腐败无能,警务部门与科学家成立“生命集团”,研究长生不老的秘密。无辜的安德烈遭到陷害,以谋杀年轻女子乔被判处死刑。 在死囚与医药科技的恐怖里面,他的大脑被移植到已经死亡的乔的体内,造成女性外表,男性思想的异体。 The year is 2015, and big brother is everywhere. The search for immortality is over. Science has finally achieved the impossible, undermining the most basic aspect of life: that Mind, Body, and Soul must be one, Those who benefit from this new technology will wake up to a new and youthful beginning - the rest of humankind must live a bad dream and wake up to a living nightmare that goes beyond life, beyond death, and beyond redemption.