40岁的乔(乔纳森.扎凯饰)是个事业有成的房产经纪,独自一人住在郊区的别墅里。别墅旁有一栋摇摇欲坠的小屋,屋内住着老妇人布兰奇(本.里加饰)。她家的动物常践踏乔的花园,乔恨之入骨,决定下到布兰奇的泵井中捣乱,不料绳梯断裂,乔摔入井内,没有人知道他在里面,除了布兰奇。 Forty year old Joe is a talented property broker, but a complete catastrophe as a family man and has a neighbor he can't stand. One day he does something he should never have done.
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