战争诗人Kisna: The Warrior Poet(2005)

主演:Vivek OberoiAntonia/BernathIsha




战争诗人主演:Vivek OberoiAntonia/BernathIsha, 影片故事发生在1930年代动荡的印度。国家主义者为国家的独立而战,起义的民众们强烈要求英国侵略者离去。在此时,一个印度青年Kisna和英国女孩Katherine成为朋友,极力保护她远离国家主义者中愤怒的乌合之众,包括Kisna的叔叔及兄弟在内。Katherine是一个冷酷无情的英国收藏家的小女儿,Kisna主动承担护送她前往新德里的英国高级专员公署安全之地的责任,在那里,他们将会安排她乘船返回家乡。Kisna和Katherine间微妙的爱慕之情在旅途中逐渐发展,而这个爱情故事备受“命运”和印度教的“教规”折磨。已与Kisna订婚的印度女孩Laxmi成为这对印-英浪漫情侣情感中的第三点,她目睹两人的跨国之恋,掺杂出一段三角恋情。
The film is set in the India of the tumultuous 1930's when nationalists fighting for the country's independence rose up as one, urging the British to quit. At this time, a young Indian, Kisna befriends and then shields a British girl Katherine, from an enraged mob of nationalists including Kisna's own uncle and brother. Katherine is the young daughter of a ruthless British collector. Kisna takes it upon himself to escort Katherine to the safety of the British High Commission in New Delhi, who will arrange for her to board a ship home. A tender attraction develops between Kisna and Katherine during the journey, a love story that is torn between 'Karma' (the noble deed) and 'Dharma' (the duty). Laxmi, the Indian girl Kisna is engaged to, forms the third point in an emotional triangle involving the Indo-British romantic pair.

