哥哥布萊恩喪禮晚上,經歷惡徒入侵的驚嚇後,妹妹莎拉決定著手調查哥哥死亡的真相。在兒時玩伴麥克的幫助下,他們閱讀布萊恩留下的日記,發現布萊恩根本不是傳聞那邪惡毒販,莎拉更意識到自己最近做的惡夢,和哥哥布萊恩死前做的夢一樣。 夢裡莎拉在幢豪宅被群戴面具的黑衣怪客包圍,被迫進行某種詭異的宗教儀式。莎拉更從日記裡發現,原來母親還在這世上…在層層抽絲剝繭與追查下,莎拉越來越分不清可怕的面具黑衣人究竟是夢還是現實。到底哥哥死亡的真相為何?可怕的黑衣人有何目的?只有前往那幢夢中的豪宅才能得到答案… After Brian McDonald is found murdered on a beach, his sister Sarah and his childhood friend Michael try to unravel the devastating mysteries surrounding his last few weeks alive. Finding a side to her brother that she never expected, Sarah is forced to delve into their past and find out why they were fostered, who their real mother is and what has become of her...