丢失的围巾The Missing Scarf(2013)

主演:竹井乔治 George Takei

导演:Eoin Duffy 编剧:Eoin Duffy



丢失的围巾主演:竹井乔治 George Takei, 在一个安静祥和的森林,清冷的冬天刚刚来到。小松鼠艾尔伯特从睡眠中醒来,他发现自己的围巾不见了,于是启程寻找。路上他遇到了猫头鹰赛瑟尔、水獭康莱德、狐狸艾德文、熊弗莱德里克。大家各有各的烦恼,赛瑟尔害怕黑暗,康莱德害怕家园被洪水冲毁,艾德文担心朋友们不喜欢自己,弗莱德里克则担心万物都会消失。虽然艾尔伯特急于找到围巾,但他还是耐心地开解烦恼中的朋友们,让他们每一个都明确继续前进的方向。   暖心的小松鼠,继续着这段不同寻常的心灵治愈之旅……
Albert the squirrel makes a startling discovery... an empty space where once his favourite scarf lay. He heads off into the forest only to find everyone else is preoccupied with worries of their own. He helps who he can before moving on but never seems to get any closer to his goal. Ultimately, Albert's problem is put in perspective by the friends he helped and problems they faced and overcame together.


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