本片主角为一名12岁的小女孩。有一天她在寺庙里遇到一位中年妇女,该妇女把她强行带入妓院。在孟加拉国,有成千上万的青少年分布在全国70间妓院。该国男性对雏妓有很高的需求。这些小孩经常面对非人的折磨,而没有人能给她们援助。 A documentary about a 12 year old girl. One day she met the lady Shanti in a Shrine. She was drugged and brought to a brothel. There are thousands of adolescents in 70 brothels of Bangladesh. Some men have a high demand for children. Every day, children are facing inhuman torture. No one is there to stand beside them.