
又名:Why We Are Unhappy in Cities

主演:成昊 王小小 韩三明 Naomi Ying Bushaw  




一个年轻人的生活因为心爱的打火机的破裂而陷入了混乱:爱人离开了他,他失去了工作。年轻人拼命地寻找修理打火机的方法,想以此来修补他被毁坏的生活,但在这个过程中,打火机却丢失了。   当年轻人终于再次看到他的打火机时,他已经有了一个新生的孩子,但是看到陌生人手中的打火机,年轻人做出了铤而走险的行动……   这是一部探索人与物之间关系的电影,同时也是一个关于城市生活的寓言。
A youth's life falls into chaos following the breaking of his beloved lighter: his lover leaves him and he loses his job. The youth desperately seeks for a way to fix his lighter as a way to mend his ruined life, but in the process ends up losing the lighter itself. When the youth finally sees his lighter again, he already has a newly born child, yet seeing the lighter in the hands of a stranger causes the youth to take desperate action - This is a movie that explores the relationship between people and things, and at the same time is a fable about city life.


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