
又名:Dancing Without You

主演:徐若瑄 Vivian Hsu/杨佑宁 Tony Yang (I)/陆明君

导演:李芸婵 编剧:李芸婵



背着你跳舞主演:徐若瑄 Vivian Hsu/杨佑宁 Tony Yang (I)/陆明君, 夏璇(徐若瑄 饰)打小热爱舞蹈,并且有着极高的天分,然而,一场意外让夏璇的双脚手上,再也无法起舞的她不得不忍痛放弃了自己的梦想。之后,夏璇来到了名为Nine West的专卖店中成为了一名店员,常年习舞的经验让她对顾客的双脚了如指掌,经常能够化腐朽为神奇,替顾客挑选到满意称心的鞋子,她的事业也因此越来越红火起来。   一次偶然中,夏璇结识了名为鲁奇(杨佑宁 饰)的男子,鲁奇是一名货车司机,却对浩瀚的星空宇宙充满了幻想。随着时间的推移,鲁奇不放弃梦想的乐观态度渐渐感动了夏璇,她决定重拾梦想,回到舞台之上,与此同时,她和鲁奇之间,也产生了纯洁真挚的感情。
On the eve of the premiere of Swan Lake, ballet dancer Xia Xuan (Vivian Hsu) is forced to withdraw from the troupe after spraining her ankle. Losing all hope, the dejected dancer strays into the forest by the lakeside. Just when she is about to attempt suicide, a young truck driver named Ludi (Tony Yo-ning Yang) pops out in front of her. Full of fanciful ideas, Ludi mistakes Xia Xuan for an alien and brings her home, taking care of her and rekindling her passion in life.

