
又名:Whisper of the Heart III / 侧耳倾听 / Whisper of the Heart

主演:李雨菁 罗晓黎 陈怡言 黄宇聪 李婉娇 




大学毕业前夕,女主角“菁哥”去往全国不同城市探访数位好友,想许诺未来在同一座城市生活,经历种种,最终选择放弃的故事。大部分采用重庆方言对白的青春公路长片。   2017香港浸会大学电影学院MFA毕设展作品之《侧耳倾听》
Director Statement: 'Whisper of the Heart' is the third feature of a Chongqing dialect film series, which is better to be seen as an independent project. They're all about people living in modern cities and the cities themselves. Based on the ordinary experience, feelings and starring by the cousin of the director, Jing, it seems more like a friend growing up together with the director and even the whole crew. The third feature deals with the youth, directly. Director Biography: An Aries boy from Chongqing, who adores Yukio Mishima and aims at adapting his masterpiece, The Sea of Fertility, into a film. Believes in ordinary life and Chinese culture, but absorbed the spirit of cinema in French and Japanese. Educated in Renmin University of China (BA) and Hong Kong Baptist University (MFA).


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