路德维希二世Ludwig II(2012)

主演:Sabin Tambrea/塞巴斯蒂安·施普尔 Sebastian Schipper/汉娜·赫斯普朗 Hannah Herzsprung/Tom Schilling

导演:玛丽·诺埃尔 彼得·泽尔 编剧:Marie Noelle/Peter Sehr



路德维希二世主演:Sabin Tambrea/塞巴斯蒂安·施普尔 Sebastian Schipper/汉娜·赫斯普朗 Hannah Herzsprung/Tom Schilling, 巴伐利亚「童话国王」戏剧性一生,曾被维斯康堤拍成《诸神的黄昏》,传奇再度搬上银幕。爱美的路德维希二世醉心华格纳歌剧,十八岁登基,企图以音乐化解干戈,以浪漫热情追求艺术寻觅自由。但战争迫在眉睫,他的梦想世界不被理解。和平梦碎,辱国丧权,压抑的同性爱欲更咬噬着他的敏感心灵。晚年孤僻离群,执着于斥巨资修建奢华城堡,务求在眼前实现童话王国,却被当成疯子看待。男主角演绎翩翩美少年的路德维希二世入型入格,布景美轮美奂,风光如画的凡尔赛宫、新天鹅堡等尽入眼帘。◎QAF
A dramatic retelling of the life of Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, one of the most fascinating monarchs of modern times. From his accession to the throne at the age of 18 to his passionate support of Richard Wagner and his music. From his ingenuous political commitment to his obsessive construction of extravagant palaces and to his gradual withdrawal into a lonely dream world, an epic narrative of breathtaking grandeur.

