午夜之子Midnight's Child(1992)

主演:玛希·沃克 Marcy Walker/科特·史密斯 Cotter Smith/奥利薇亚·阿波 Olivia d'Abo/伊丽莎白·莫斯 Elisabeth Moss

导演:Colin Bucksey 编剧:Jeff Myrow



午夜之子主演:玛希·沃克 Marcy Walker/科特·史密斯 Cotter Smith/奥利薇亚·阿波 Olivia d'Abo/伊丽莎白·莫斯 Elisabeth Moss, 凯特和她的艺术家丈夫都是忙于工作的父母。他们的日常生活似乎一切都很好。然后,凯特雇来照顾女儿的瑞典保姆安娜走进了他们的生活。她给克里斯蒂娜讲古怪的故事,用礼物和古怪的图画书让她眼花缭乱。凯特有可怕的幻觉,她的丈夫行为怪异,她的女儿慢慢地远离她。她对安娜的调查只导致了一个古怪的撒旦阴谋。她能信任谁?
Kate and her artist husband are busy working parents. Everything seems to be going fine, going about their daily lives. Then, Anna, the Swedish nanny that Kate hired to care for their daughter, comes into their lives. She tells Christina odd stories, and dazzles her with gifts and her strange picture book. Kate is having awful visions, her husband is acting weird, and her daughter is slowly drawing away from her. Her investigation of Anna only leads to a bizzare Satanic plot. Is there anyone she can trust?


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