米老鼠:疯狂的飞机Micky Mouse: Plane Crazy(1928)


主演:沃尔特·迪士尼 Walt Disney

导演:华特·迪士尼 乌布·伊沃克斯 



米老鼠:疯狂的飞机主演:沃尔特·迪士尼 Walt Disney, 舒适自在的农场内,小动物们紧张忙碌,有的钉钉子、有的锯木头、有的调运原料。原来小老鼠米奇得到了一本偶像Charles Lindbergh的书籍《How to Fly》,他动员小伙伴们作了一家简陋的飞机。首次试飞失败,令米奇备受打击。他再接再厉,重新作了一架更为精良的飞机,并邀请女朋友米妮一同乘坐。最初的飞行由于技术生疏而引起巨大的混乱,好不容易飞上天,米奇洋洋得意,希望得到女朋友爱的回馈……   本片是米奇系列第一部动画作品(默片),曾作小规模放映,但未公开发行。直到首部有声动画《Steamboat Willie》获得成功后,该片才与《The Gallopin’ Gaucho》(第2部)、《The Barn Dance》(第4部)一同发行。
Mickey and his friends build an airplane from wood, using a dachshund like a rubber band. This plane never takes off, and quickly crashes into a tree. Mickey stretches his car into a semblance of an airplane, and brings Minnie along this time. Mickey is thrown from the plane, and struggles to get back in. The plane finally takes off. Mickey tries to get a kiss, but Minnie resists, and after Mickey kisses her anyway, she jumps out, using her bloomers as a parachute. Mickey crashes the plane soon after that.


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