往昔时光Ye Olden Days(1933)

主演:Pinto Colvig/沃尔特·迪士尼 Walt Disney/Marcellite Garner

导演:Burt Gillett 



往昔时光主演:Pinto Colvig/沃尔特·迪士尼 Walt Disney/Marcellite Garner, 在一座中世纪的城堡内,大臣正举杯向国王祝福。今天,国王的女儿米妮公主(玛西丽特•加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)即将嫁给邻国的普尔帕多王子(品托•考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)王子。米妮举止优雅,体态端庄,而对方却是个形容猥琐、丑陋恶心的家伙。米妮自然不同意这桩婚姻,她当众掌掴王子,令她的父王大为光火,遂下令将米妮关入牢房。   正在此时,一穷二白却心中常常充满快乐的游吟诗人米奇(沃尔特•迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)经过这里,他看到了婚礼的全过程,也听到米妮伤心的哭声,于是决定出手搭救公主。正当他们将要成功之时,却被国王发现了。米奇不得不和普尔帕多展开男人的决斗……
The princess (Minnie) is to wed the Prince (Goofy, still known as Dippy Dawg) against her wishes. When she refuses, her father the king locks her in the tower. Minstrel Mickey sees her and rescues her, making a rope from the clothes of lady-in-waiting Clarabell. The king spots them and prepares to chop off Mickey's head until Minnie intercedes. The king calls for a joust. Mickey wins, and they live happily ever after.


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