搬家日Moving Day(1936)

主演:Billy Bletcher/Pinto Colvig/Walt Disney

导演:Ben Sharpsteen 



搬家日主演:Billy Bletcher/Pinto Colvig/Walt Disney, 眼看又到了交房租的日子,囊中羞涩的米老鼠(沃特@迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)、唐老鸭(克拉伦斯@纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)走来走去,焦急万分却又无计可施。这时候,门外传来了粗暴的敲门声。身材魁梧、态度恶劣的警长走进来,命令他们即日搬家,而所有的家具将用来抵偿拖欠的房租。在强权面前,米老鼠、唐老鸭只得低头。不久,他们的伙伴高菲(Pinto Colvig 配音)也回来了。三个好朋友一起手忙脚乱收拾行李。由于时间紧迫,他们闹出了不少的笑话。大钢琴似乎过于留恋这幢房子,任凭高菲如何努力也无法将其搬上卡车。唐老鸭则被皮搋子“咬”住屁股,无法摆脱,气急败坏。   忙碌的一天就这样开始了……
Donald and Mickey are overdue on their rent, so the sheriff is preparing to evict them and sell their belongings. Goofy the ice-man comes by and helps them move out before the sale, but their piano doesn't want to stay on his truck. Meanwhile, Donald has a fight with a plunger and a fishbowl after removing a heater from the gas line.


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