
又名:我不知道你在哪里 / ワカラナイ where are you

主演:小林優斗/柄本时生 Tokio Emoto/本多菊雄/田中隆三 Ryûzô Tanaka/渡边真起子 Makiko Watanabe/江口千夏/宫田早苗 Sanae Miyata/角替和枝 Kazue Tsunogae/清田正浩/小泽征悦 Yukiyoshi Ozawa/小林政广 Masahiro Kobayashi/横山惠 Megumi Yokoyama/岡村剛丈/ベンガル/鈴木亮介

导演:小林政广 编剧:小林政广 Masahiro Kobayashi



你在哪里主演:小林優斗/柄本时生 Tokio Emoto/本多菊雄/田中隆三 Ryûzô Tanaka/渡边真起子 Makiko Watanabe/江口千夏/宫田早苗 Sanae Miyata/角替和枝 Kazue Tsunogae/清田正浩/小泽征悦 Yukiyoshi Ozawa/小林政广 Masahiro Kobayashi/横山惠 Megumi Yokoyama/岡村剛丈/ベンガル/鈴木亮介, 16岁的少年川井亮(小林優斗 饰)无法像同龄人那样过着无忧无虑的日子,也无暇品味青春时光的青涩和甜蜜。生长在单亲家庭的他过早地走入社会,母亲罹患绝症,命不久矣;父亲多年未曾联系,更断了母子的补给。日常开支和医疗费用全靠亮在便利店辛苦打工挣得。迫于无奈,亮有时会偷出店里的食物果腹,他的举动终于被店长发现,从此失去了唯一的收入来源。   打击接二连三,母亲终于撒手人寰,留给亮的不仅是无尽的悲痛和孤独,还有如同天文数字的医疗费及丧葬费。金钱面前,没有人表现出同情。万般无奈,亮背起母亲的尸体,独自踏上希望渺茫的丧葬之路……
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.


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