
又名:City Girl





城市丽人主演:杨宝玲/钱小豪/崔秀丽/翁静晶/梁家辉, 参加香港小姐落选的林慧珊,失意之时与阿德在公车上相遇,彼此留下深刻印象。第二次相遇,是在阿德的鱼店里,阿德借给林慧珊送鱼的机会追求林慧珊,两人彼此倾心坠入情网。   但是阿德的父亲并不满意与阿德同月同日生日的林慧珊,认为两人八字不合。同时富家子弟何医生也在狂热地追求林慧珊,为此,阿德醋意大发,和林慧珊的大吵之后,两人赌气分手。   在林慧珊打算嫁给何医生之前,与好友AMY吐露心声,其实自己最爱的人还是阿德,可是何医生却能给她很好的生活。   阿德无意中用计救了为情所伤欲跳楼自杀的AMY,获救后的AMY感激之余,真心劝阿德去挽回自己的爱情。   阿德骑着摩托车风驰电掣地开往和医生家……
Dances Made Easy is brought to you by James Goodman, son and apprentice to Dancing with the stars head judge, Len Goodman. James now runs the Goodman Dance Academy and is now offering this comprehensive home learning system either online or on DVD. Are you a beginner looking to work at your own pace and on your own time schedule? Or are you looking to get back into dance and wipe the cobwebs off of those old latin and ballroom dance shoes? Are you tired of sitting at the table at weddings or parties whilst others around you are dancing? If so, this is the series of classes for you. James guarantees, even if you have two left feet and no rhythm, to have you twirling and whirling around the living room floor in no time!


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