
又名:Tao no tsuki / 战国斩魔传. / Moon Over Tao


导演:雨宮慶太 编剧:田中徹/松本肇/雨宮慶太



望月奇遇主演:森山祐子/阿部寛/永島敏行, 战国时代,武士疾风与僧侣醉狂为了不让具有神秘之力的宝剑落入魔界之手,接受了城主的委托,展开寻找宝剑秘密的长途之旅,途中他们遇到了美丽的少女莲华,以及其他三名来至别处的朋友一起追踪一股弥漫在森林中久久未能散去的妖气,但是等待她们的却是强大的邪恶力量......
A retired warrior comes to see his former lord and learns that someone is making indestructible swords from some unknown metal. He is sent together with a swordsman to investigate the source. Along the way they meet a young girl working as a beekeeper. She is later witness to the appearance of three strange females from another dimension. They are searching for a lost weapon that has landed on earth and as one of them lay dying she enlists the girl to help them control the strange beast/weapon. Meanwhile the warrior and the swordsman learn that an old nemesis has created the swords from the shell that surrounded the alien weapon. Soon the alien beast/weapon is awakened and battle for control ensues.


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