野蕨花开Пока цветёт папоротник(2012)

又名:穆阿森克 Муасынг

主演:亚历山大·佩特罗夫 Alexander Petrov/Татьяна Орлова/Павел Крайнов

导演:Евгений Бедарев 编剧:Дмитрий Бедарев, Евгений Бедарев


野蕨花开主演:亚历山大·佩特罗夫 Alexander Petrov/Татьяна Орлова/Павел Крайнов, 讲述神秘而古老的阿尔泰山脉,万物茂盛生长,这里世世代代流传着亡灵与巫师的古老传说。莫斯科的报社记者基里尔在主编的压迫下郁郁不得志,一件偶然得来的护身符在一夜之间把基里尔从繁华的都市送到了阿尔泰丛林,真正的冒险就此展开...(白熊字幕更新中)
Journalist Kirill lives in Moscow and works for a tabloid newspaper Secret Truth. A colleague brings him an unusual amulet from a work trip, and Kirill's grey ordinary life changes. Despite writing about the supernatural, Kirill doesn't believe in magic but he is somehow transported to the Altai Mountains, and that's just the beginning of his adventures.


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