





影片拍摄于湖北黄石广场路小学,记录了中国一所普通小学内的林林总总:少先队活动、主题班会……   影片的丰富性会让观众的体验变得非常复杂:既会让您想起自己的小学生活,想起或许相似的童年;也会让您去思考那些青春容颜背后的深层教育问题。   这是一部让你欢笑也让你思考的电影;这是一部让你怀旧也让你展望的电影;   献给所有曾经有过小学学习经历的人;献给所有关心中国基础教育现状的人;
What is going on in Chinese elementary schools where students go to school with red scarfs? The film captures the campus life of students and teachers in detail, such as gossiping in teacher's rooms, fighting among students, students being punished, school gatherings that are overly orderly, military like class recitals, and teachers who are already deeply captivated by the school system. Strangely, the images of the Chinese elementary school seem very familiar to viewers. Except for the few scenes such as kids pledging themselves to the Communists and dancing with red outfits, the teachers' attitude, school system, and students, seem to capture those of the Korean elementary school. Because of such similarity through the film, we Koreans will naturally reflect upon our memories than try to understand Chinese culture. One may ask what elementary school education has done to us. Interestingly, we Koreans can look at ourselves us through China.

