一路平安Safe Journey(1999)

主演:Dennis Dun/Jay Michael Ferguson/Peter Holden

导演:S. Leo Chiang 



一路平安主演:Dennis Dun/Jay Michael Ferguson/Peter Holden, 一个年轻人身无分文,无家可归,他流落街头只求生计;一个男人刚刚失去了他的毕生挚爱,而且双目渐渐失明,他正想把自己所有的财产一件不剩地卖掉。两人都为生活所迫,形影相吊,直到一个秋风萧瑟的夜晚,信念让他们聚到了一起...
The Kid has no money, no place to live and nowhere to go. He's done more than he cares to admit just to survive on the streets.The Man has lost the one he loved. He is losing his eyesight. He's selling all his possessions so nothing will be left to lose. Both are trapped, each alone until Fate brings them together one windy autumn night.


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