我随时都可以离开Lo dejo cuando quiera(2019)

又名:放飞大丈夫(台) / 想走就走 / I can quit whenever I want

主演:大卫·贝尔达格尔 David Verdaguer/Ernesto Sevilla/卡洛斯·桑托斯 Carlos Santos/克里斯汀娜·卡斯达尼奥 Cristina Castaño/米伦·伊瓦古伦 Miren Ibarguren/阿玛雅·萨拉曼卡 Amaia Salamanca/欧内斯特·艾戴里欧 Ernesto Alterio/Mero/佩德罗·卡萨布兰科 Pedro Casablanc/格拉西亚·奥拉约 Gracia Olayo/路易斯·巴雷拉 Luis Varela/Roger Berruezo/Mario de la Rosa/Resu Morales

导演:Carlos Therón 编剧:Cristóbal Garrido/Adolfo Valor



我随时都可以离开主演:大卫·贝尔达格尔 David Verdaguer/Ernesto Sevilla/卡洛斯·桑托斯 Carlos Santos/克里斯汀娜·卡斯达尼奥 Cristina Castaño/米伦·伊瓦古伦 Miren Ibarguren/阿玛雅·萨拉曼卡 Amaia Salamanca/欧内斯特·艾戴里欧 Ernesto Alterio/Mero/佩德罗·卡萨布兰科 Pedro Casablanc/格拉西亚·奥拉约 Gracia Olayo/路易斯·巴雷拉 Luis Varela/Roger Berruezo/Mario de la Rosa/Resu Morales, 三位理科宅男,大學時期就是換帖好友,畢業後卻面臨金融風暴而失業,只好隨便找份工作餬口。某天,成為化學系教授的貝德羅(大衛貝爾塔格飾演),打造出一款增強注意力的維生素,卻因為研究經費不足慘遭校方解雇。走投無路之下,貝德羅竟揪兩位好友一起吞了這款維生素,更意外發現這款藥丸不但沒有副作用,還會讓人情緒高亢!於是,他們決定不當乖乖牌,開始走歪路開啟製毒事業,想靠賣藥日進斗金,天天開趴嗨到翻。不過他們萬萬沒想到,原本平凡的生活,就這樣陷入充滿危險的夜世界…。
2007. Pedro, Arturo and Eligio are three university students who are looking for graduate hoping to earn respect and money, focusing their efforts in the teachings and not having funny and feasts. But ten years later, 2017, reality is more bitter than they could imagine: Pedro is filing for divorce of his wife Gloria, seeing to his little daughters Clara and Claudia one time per week, being bullied by university's dean Merino, and giving chemistry classes to Chinese exchange students; Arturo survives as home professor giving private lessons for bad students as Jota, a borderline teen girl who openly despises Arturo; and Eligio is a naive and nerd geek unable to finish his thesis in history who is forced by his desperate parents Rosario and Antonio to work in the gas station of Rosario's brother with the streetwise and smarter Anabel. Trying to improve his situation, Pedro faces Merino asking funds for his longtime stopped investigation, only to find himself fired. When Arturo and ...

