
又名:The I-go King and His Son

主演:孙松 Song Sun/王成阳 Cheng-yang Wang/王景春 Jingchun Wang/孟海燕 Haiyan Meng

导演:周伟 编剧:王宗昌 Zongchang Wang/石丁 Ding Shi/朱可欣 Kexin Zhu



棋王和他的儿子主演:孙松 Song Sun/王成阳 Cheng-yang Wang/王景春 Jingchun Wang/孟海燕 Haiyan Meng, 刘一手(孙松 饰)是当地围棋圈里的名人,由于下岗多年无以为计,他只好在棋社教棋挣点外快。刘妻(孟海燕 饰)看不惯丈夫痴迷围棋无力养家,于是提出离婚,儿子小川(王成阳 饰)毫不犹豫选择了跟着爸爸。离婚后的刘一手为给儿子交学费,在董佳(王景春 饰)安排下与他人赌棋,不料被警察抓个正着。面对小川刘一手悔恨万分,他立誓戒赌,在儿子面前重塑形象。一个偶然的机会,刘一手发现了儿子下棋的天赋,他决定送儿子到正规棋院深造,无奈天文般的学费令他却步。无奈的刘一手撕下老脸偷艺,遭到大师们侮辱。目睹此景的小川暗自发誓,决不再让爸爸的尊严遭人践踏,一定要当冠军。于是,父子俩制订独有的训练方法,向未来目标发起了冲击......
When LIU Yishou, nicknamed the "Go King" by his peers because of his skill in Weiqi (Go), finds himself without a job. And with no other skills to make a living, he then turns to teaching this strategic Chinese board game in a humble training school for children. Annoyed by her husband's passion for the game, LIU Yishou's wife leaves him, but their son, Xiao Chuan, wants to stay with his dad. Unexpectedly, LIU Yishou discovers that his son has a great talent for playing Weiqi and vows to support him in developing his gift for the game. A struggle then arises for the Go King to come up with the money to finance his son's studies of Weiqi.


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