马斯顿庄园的悲剧Poirot: The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor(1991)


主演:大卫·苏切特 David Suchet/菲利普·杰克森 Philip Jackson/休·弗拉瑟 Hugh Fraser

导演:兰尼·雷 编剧:大卫·伦维克 David Renwick/阿加莎·克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie



马斯顿庄园的悲剧主演:大卫·苏切特 David Suchet/菲利普·杰克森 Philip Jackson/休·弗拉瑟 Hugh Fraser, 故事发生在一座地处偏远的小镇之中,这里矗立着一座名为马斯登鲁的庄园,庄园的主人马特沃尔斯是一个非常阴郁的老头,围绕着这座庄园,有着非常多的灵异传说。某日,马特沃尔斯的尸体被人发现横陈在橡树之下,巧合的是,50年前,有一位年轻的女孩同样是在这棵橡树底下自杀了,大家都认为,马特沃尔斯的死,是女孩的幽灵在作祟。马特沃尔斯的妻子也坚信,丈夫的死是鬼怪所为,因为在庄园里,她还目睹了其他很多科学无法解释的灵异现象。   波洛(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)再度肩负起了调查案件真相的责任,信奉科学至上的他自然不会被这些怪力乱神的谣言所迷惑,他相信,一切的悲剧背后,都是人类的贪念和欲望在作祟。
Having been lured to the village of Marsdon Leigh under false pretenses - the local hotel owner is unable to solve the crime in his own manuscript and so invites the detective to solve a "murder" - Poirot and Hastings are asked to look into the death of Mr. Maltravers, owner of the local manor house. The local rumor mill has it that the Marsdon Manor is haunted by several ghosts and Maltravers' wife is convinced that her husband was frightened to death. In the end, Poirot initiates a clever ruse to obtain a confession from the murderer.


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