布莱克之谜:鬼故事The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories(2018)

主演:娜迪恩·加纳 Nadine Garner/乔尔·托贝克 Joel Tobeck/贝琳达·麦克洛里 Belinda McClory/Tom Wren/Emma Annand

导演:Ian Barry 编剧:Paul Jenner



布莱克之谜:鬼故事主演:娜迪恩·加纳 Nadine Garner/乔尔·托贝克 Joel Tobeck/贝琳达·麦克洛里 Belinda McClory/Tom Wren/Emma Annand, 让布莱克被卷入调查几起奇怪的谋杀案,其中唯一的联系似乎是最近在The Courier上发表的关于巴拉瑞特最臭名昭着的未解之谜的系列文章。这是一个疯狂,疯狂的世界。约翰·肯尼迪总统被暗杀;世界已经发生了变化,在巴拉瑞特一直感受到震动,让布莱克(纳丁娜加纳)出人意料地被卷入调查一对谋杀案。qigou.cc尽管首席警司局长马修劳森(乔尔托贝克)退后一步,但没有人比吉恩更了解这个城镇的历史,并且她决心提供帮助。 Jean的整个世界已经崩溃,Lucien Blake博士失踪,被推定死亡。但同样的内在力量让她经历了战争的失败,并让她自己抚养两个儿子,这不会让她被打败。在朋友总监Matthew Lawson和新任命的警察外科医生Alice Harvey医生(Belinda McClory)的帮助下,Jean正准备回到她认为已经留下的世界。
Jean Blake is drawn into the investigation of several bizarre murders whose only connection seems to be a series of articles recently published in The Courier about Ballarat's most infamous unsolved mysteries. It's a mad, mad world. President John F. Kennedy has been assassinated; the world has changed and tremors are being felt even all the way in Ballarat where Jean Blake (Nadine Garner) is unexpectedly drawn into the investigation of a pair of murders. No one knows the town's history better than Jean and she's determined to help, despite push back from Chief Superintendent Matthew Lawson (Joel Tobeck). Jean's whole world has fallen apart with Doctor Lucien Blake missing, presumed dead. But that same inner strength which got her through the losses of war and enabled her to raise two sons on her own will not allow her to be defeated. Ably aided by friends Chief Superintendent Matthew Lawson and newly appointed Police Surgeon, Doctor Alice Harvey (Belinda McClory), Jean is about to ...


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