

主演:观月亚理莎 Arisa Mizuki/田边诚一 Seiichi Tanabe/五十岚隼士 Shunji Igarashi/橘庆太 Keita Tachibana/真岛秀和 Hidekazu Mashima/風見しんご/松重丰 Yutaka Matsushige/片冈鹤太郎 Tsurutarô Kataoka

导演:猪原達三 長谷川康 田村直己 编剧:池上純哉/真部千晶


Answer~警视厅检证搜查官主演:观月亚理莎 Arisa Mizuki/田边诚一 Seiichi Tanabe/五十岚隼士 Shunji Igarashi/橘庆太 Keita Tachibana/真岛秀和 Hidekazu Mashima/風見しんご/松重丰 Yutaka Matsushige/片冈鹤太郎 Tsurutarô Kataoka, 毕业于东京大学法律部的新海晶(观月亚理莎 饰)是一个美丽干练的警界女性,她自幼立下成为警察的志愿,并通过不懈努力荣升秋留野警署署长。未来本该一片坦途的新海,却无法忍受警方在面对错误时避重就轻的劣行,于是公开炮轰警界。她“大逆不道”的行为毫无悬念阻断了自己的前途,其本人也被贬斥到警视厅搜查一课担任检证搜查系管理官。其麾下有薄井昭三(松重丰 饰)、小暮茂雄(片冈鹤太郎 饰)、长谷部吉伸(五十岚隼士 饰)等阅历背景各不相同的部下。   本性难移的新海晶绝不会安心做一个只会改改错字的边缘警察,当发现一桩桩卷宗中存在的疑点时,新海决定力排众议,以蕞尔小警察的身份向事实真相发起全速追击……
Detective Akira Shinkai had a successful police career until a case got her demoted. She is now assigned to the verification investigation section. The purpose of the division is to verify each case and make sure nobody is falsely accused of a crime. Akira begins her new assignment verifying cases. If she discovers a small amount of doubt in the police report, she overturns the case and pursues the real criminals. All while having conflicts with the police detectives who are in charge of each case.


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