完美浪漫Perfect Romance(2004)

主演:Kathleen Quinlan/JR Bourne/Henry Ian Cusick/Gina Holden/Dustin Milligan

导演:Douglas Barr 编剧:Allison Burnett



完美浪漫主演:Kathleen Quinlan/JR Bourne/Henry Ian Cusick/Gina Holden/Dustin Milligan, 詹尼和瑞克离婚后,一直郁郁寡欢。虽然瑞克是个不称职的丈夫,经常为了事业而忽略家庭,可詹尼仍然对其旧情难忘。詹尼的母亲泰斯将一切都看在眼里,很为女儿的将来发愁。后来泰斯通过网络交友服务,找到了一个感觉应该和女儿很配的男人。对方是个文学教授,泰斯跟他非常有共同语言。然而随着两人了解的加深,泰斯发现自己竟然爱上了这个原本为女儿所找的男人……
When Tess Kelley realizes her daughter Jenny Kelley still isn't over her divorce from Rick Meadows, the irresponsible, ever absent father of her little boy Jesse, and thus fails to make progress with promising potential fiance Miles Healey, she starts in her name an anonymous relationship through a dating service with charming, but in love insecure British-born literature professor Peter Campbell, who lives in America. Then Peter comes meet Jenny live, but who will end up with whom or stay alone?


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