福音之殇The Backwater Gospel(2011)


主演:Lucien Dodge/Laura Post/Phillip Sacramento/Zebulon Whatley

导演:Bo Mathorne 


福音之殇主演:Lucien Dodge/Laura Post/Phillip Sacramento/Zebulon Whatley, 这是一个弥漫着死亡气息的世界,远山若英若现,在名为后水(Backwater)的小镇,建筑破败不安,无人打理。游吟歌手坐在一辆破烂烂的汽车上,唱着嘶哑不着调的歌曲。远处小山岗上,散发着邪恶气息的教堂突然打开门来,如恶魔般的光头神父恶狠狠的瞪着游吟歌手,他转身命令如屠夫般肥胖的男人撞响教堂的钟。镇民们听到了钟声,如行尸走肉般踉跄地向教堂走去。神父关上大门,对着信徒们大放厥词,言语极富蛊惑的力量。突然之间,游吟歌手敲打窗户,告诉大家象征着死亡的送葬者(Undertaker)正向小镇靠近。人们闻言大惊失色,纷纷夺路而逃,将自己进锁在家中。   未过多久,背着黑色翅膀的送葬者悠然而至……
Backwater is doomed by the regular visits of the undertaker. The town priest and the faithful think that a merry non-religious tramp brings the death that follows living in an improvised shed in the middle of the town. It looks like when he sings the undertaker visits. But is he the one to blame for their misfortune?


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 The Backwater Gospel (2011) HDRip 720p x264 [Short Anim
