从阿布鲁佐(Abruzzo)山脉的山顶到亚得里亚海,这些直接与大自然接触的地区依旧有人在坚守着:生活于高海拔地区,没有电和水,与羊群共度一整天的老牧羊人;坚守并感动于信仰,并决定前往圣特巴特洛美欧的海米塔基朝圣(Heremitage of Saint Bartolomeo)的90岁的寡妇;一位退休的那不勒斯老渔夫,相伴与一只白猫,在被现代化城市所包围的旧渔村的废墟中执着··· From the summit of the Abruzzo mountains to the Adriatic Sea, there are still people who live with a direct contact with nature: an old shepherd who spends his days with his flock of sheep in high altitude, without electricity and water; a 90 year old widow who, moved by her faith, decides to undertake a pilgrimage to the Heremitage of Saint Bartolomeo; a retired fisherman who lives with a white cat in the ruins of his old fishing village surrounded by the modern city.