欧亚大陆 21世纪的潮流(1991)





占世界陆地40%的广袤大地-欧亚大陆(欧罗细亚),欧洲大陆和亚洲大陆的总称,众多民族和宗教无数次交锋的历史的舞台。   2001年9月发生在美国的911恐怖事件,尤其给中东、中亚的伊斯兰区域的人们,带来了前所未有的危机。   被美国斥为“邪恶轴心”的伊拉克,改革派和保守派对立激化的伊朗,反美伊斯兰政党跃进、不安局势持续的巴基斯坦等。这些地域,处于欧盟,俄罗斯,中国和印度等列强的包围之中,此外还深受美国军事力量存在的影响。   在影响21世纪走向的伊拉克危机迫在眉睫之际,本片把这些地区的动向,作为一股潮流,予以生动有力的介绍。
This language skills educational game allows you to create original crossword puzzles using word clues or 185 illustrations which can be used to as picture clues. After entering the clues you can randomly generate puzzles that you can solve yourself or play against Mickey (hard), Donald (medium) or Goofy (easy). The game features bonus and super bonus points, more than 20 musical tunes and a fireworks display for the winner. You can also print your creations using Disney backgrounds or borders, including such characters as Dumbo, Peter Pan, Snow White and many more. Picture menu bars guides you through both the game and the tools for creating and printing out puzzles.

欧亚大陆 21世纪的潮流:最新迅雷BT下载资源

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