妙探追缉令Double Take(2001)


主演:Orlando Jones/Eddie Griffin/Gary Grubbs

导演:George Gallo 编剧:George Gallo



妙探追缉令主演:Orlando Jones/Eddie Griffin/Gary Grubbs, 影片又名《双重身份》,主人公塔利尔是一位纽约的银行家,他过着非常快乐的上等生活,没想到一天却莫名其妙地遭人陷害,成为警方通缉的头号杀人犯。塔利尔只好狼狈出逃,却遇见街头小混混弗莱特。弗莱特不仅伶牙俐齿,而且头脑机灵,有了他的帮助,塔利尔总算顺利的从警察重重包围中逃脱。影片的笑料主要集中在两人互换身份的逃亡路上,洋相百出,令人捧腹。更搞笑的是后来,他发现他的化名福莱迪也是被通缉逃亡者中的一员,而且在警察眼中福莱迪要比他本名重要的多。所以他必须同时摆脱犯毒集团追杀和法律制裁。
The governor of a Mexican state is assassinated. Soon after, junior executive Daryl Chase's life turns upside down: after he flags a huge transfer of funds from a Mexican account as probably illegal, he's attacked in his apartment, rescued by a CIA agent, finds his secretary shot dead, and witnesses two cops get killed. He calls the CIA guy who tells him to grab the next train to Mexico. Leaving Manhattan, Daryl can't shake a jive-talking street punk named Freddy, and soon he's traded clothes with Freddy to escape the police. Within days, his girlfriend, his boss, his client, Freddy, the FBI, and the dead governor's dog are tangled in a web of deceit and danger. Who's who?

