

主演:美琳达·克拉克 Melinda Clarke/德怀特·舒尔茨 Dwight Schultz/Rodney Saulsberry/詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒 James Arnold Taylor/奥利薇亚·阿波 Olivia d'Abo/Jack Fletcher/千叶一伸 Isshin Chiba/本田贵子 Takako Honda/稻田彻 Tetsu Inada/仲野裕 Yutaka Nakano/杉本优 Yu Sugimoto/山野井仁 Jin Yamanoi

导演:钟彼得 编剧:钟彼得 Peter Chung



矩阵化主演:美琳达·克拉克 Melinda Clarke/德怀特·舒尔茨 Dwight Schultz/Rodney Saulsberry/詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒 James Arnold Taylor/奥利薇亚·阿波 Olivia d'Abo/Jack Fletcher/千叶一伸 Isshin Chiba/本田贵子 Takako Honda/稻田彻 Tetsu Inada/仲野裕 Yutaka Nakano/杉本优 Yu Sugimoto/山野井仁 Jin Yamanoi, 经历了人类与机器人连番大战的洗礼,而今的地球已满目疮痍,破败不堪,荒野四处皆为武器装甲的残骸所覆盖。在阴霾晦暗的天空下,业已觉醒的女子亚莉克莎(美琳达·克拉克 Melinda Clarke 配音)独自而坐。突然,他的同伴从基地发来警告,两只智能机器人正向她靠近。话音刚落,两只形状酷似的机器人从黝黑的海水中浮现,向亚莉克莎逼近。女子从容不迫,动作轻盈地逃回基地,而两只猎手不知是计,尾随其后,最终中了埋伏。   昆虫机器人一死一伤,而人类反叛军计划对俘虏以牙还牙,侵入它的头脑中,意图为机器人建立一个虚拟世界,一切朝着不可预测的方向发展……
On the surface of the destroyed earth a young woman, Alexa, is seemingly being hunted down by two sentinels. Alexa flees to a tunnel, but the sentinels still follow. This is all according to plan however. Alexa is part of a resistance group that has set a trap. After a robotic device kills of one sentinel, Alexa is able to stun the other. The group wants to use the living sentinel for an experiment. By linking the sentinel to them all in virtual reality, they hope to convince the man-made creature to join the human's cause. But there isn't much time.


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