床的另一边De l'autre cote du lit(2008)

又名:对换冤家 / Changing Sides

主演:Sophie Marceau/Dany Boon/Juliette Arnaud/Anny Duperey

导演:帕斯卡莱·普扎杜 编剧:Pascale Pouzadoux/Grégoire Vigneron



床的另一边主演:Sophie Marceau/Dany Boon/Juliette Arnaud/Anny Duperey, 阿丽亚娜(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)和丈夫雨果(丹尼·伯恩 Dany Boon 饰)已经结婚十年,当初的热情虽犹在,却不得不被繁琐的日常事务所冲散。雨果每天为公司的事情在外奔波,阿丽亚娜则一边要当家庭主妇拉扯两个孩子,一边要照看与朋友合伙经营的珠宝生意,整日忙得焦头烂额。夫妻之间的抱怨和摩擦也日渐加剧,眼看自相水火,阿丽亚娜决定挽救这段婚姻,她想出一个看似荒唐的办法——两人互换身份,体验彼此生活一年。这样,阿丽亚娜变身公司高管,丈夫雨果则开始围着孩子和珠宝团团转,经过一段糗事出尽的艰难适应期,两人渐渐开始理解了对方位置的苦处,然而就在彼此感情渐渐被层出不穷的笑料修复之时,警察竟然找上了门……   本片改编自法国当代作家阿历克斯·吉霍德的同名小说。
Ariane and Hugo decide to exchange the lives they lead to escape from their routine, which after ten years of marriage, gives them the feeling of being hamsters in a wheel. She suddenly finds herself at the head of a construction equipment rental company and he tries to take the role of a house calling jewelry salesman...But is life really better when you live it on the other side of the bed?

